Sunday, October 18, 2015

One Girl... Lots of thoughts!

Hello everyone and welcome to my NEW blog! I'll get to that new part in a second or two but first let me introduce myself to all of y'all who don't know me!
My Name is Kayla, I just turned 20 years old and I live in a small town located in Alabama. I like to consider myself a Southern Belle- but I'm simply just Kayla! I am not your typical country-music listenin', horse ridin', farm caretaker that everyone labels us "Alabama" folks as, although I do enjoy a little dirt road riding, shoes are a no-go for me, and I do yell "Roll Tide" pretty loud on Saturdays during football season. So, I guess there are just some people out there that just have no title- and I suppose I am one of those!
Now back to this new blog thing. This IS my second blog, yes my second. My first blog goes by the name of Lace in Ruffles and it is basically an all beauty related blog that I really haven't kept up to date. I would always write posts to put up that would never go up and I'd always write those updates about life and why I've neglected it so much but, I realized that I just really wasn't happy with that blog.
Now, don't get me wrong- I loved communicating with my viewers but I truly feel that there is just so much more to be expressed on a blog than simply make-up and traditional "beauty guru" related topics. That was all I felt that really belonged there and to post anything else was just odd- I hated feeling that way! Not only that but I was so focused on being sponsored that I only expressed myself in more of my much later posts, when being sponsored didn't mean much to me and I was just doing it for fun (which is funny because that is when I actually started getting opportunities). I love writing and planning and putting together makeup looks and so many other things as well. I am the sarcastic and silly person I later expressed but I'm also outgoing and happy and I care WAY too much about Disney. So for me, I wanted a blog that I was happy with and a blog I felt my viewers could be happy with too!
Therefor, I'm gonna blog about what I want and forget about what everyone else is doing. With that being said... Y'all feel free to comment down Below or email me anything you'd like to see on my blog!

Also, I will be posting on Mondays and Fridays!
P.s. I am considering my YouTube channel again, y'all let me know if that is something you might like or nah!

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